Tuesday, April 22, 2008

MAYBE 2Morrow

Well, been waiting in Pueblo, CO for the past 5 days. Chances are good that the driveshaft will be here tommorrow, and can be put in in about 3 hours. Perhaps I'll be on the road for a short day in the afternoon. Depending on where CHRIS sends me, I may get my TE recert at either, Green bay, Dallas, or Fontana. If none of these work out, then INDY in MAY.

I hope Chris can make up the miles I lost by dropping my driveshaft.

The DAYS INN has been a gr8 place to stay, with several restaurants in walking distance, a pool hall about 1/2 mile away. I got out and walked about 5 miles a day for the last 3 days. did some shopping and now am only waiting till tommorrow for the OK to roll.

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