Saturday, April 19, 2008


Well I was on my way to SEATTLE, when at exit 27 northbound on I-25 in Colorado, my truck lost it's driveshaft (became DESHAFTED). The truck bounced and rocked, naturally I ran over the shaft. Not knowing what had just occurred, I thought I blew a TIRE. Knew different when I realized I had no POWER. Just coasting, Got over to the right shoulder, stopped, walked around the truck, put out safey triangles, looked back down the highway only to see the driveshaft laying on the shoulder about 1/2 mile away.

I walked the 1/2 mile, and saw that the universal joint had come apart. See fotos of the differential joint. I contacted SEM who sent out a tow. Sat for about 1 1/2 hours since the tow came from exit 101 in Pueblo, CO. At least I had great scenery while sitting. more fotos.

Arriving at the shop in Pueblo, I was told I could have the truck as early as SATURDAY afternoon, or as late as some time MONDAY. I hope I don't lose this load.

Schneider put me up in the hotel, Days Inn was the only close one to take a comm check. I checked at least 5 hotels. I'm also walking distane to the shop.

Had a great pasta dinner and went to sleeeeeep. Must be the BLUE MOON!!!

COntacted my board this morning again to give an update and get codes to pay for the room.

I'll stop by the shop in a little while to check on the status of my truck. There's a chance I can stay on this load if Schneider can't fing a SWAP driver in the area. They'll just have to reschedule the laod for more time for me.
Now later in the day, about 3 P.M., another driver showed up for the load. He had just made a delivery at a TARGET DC in the area. He was hoping to stay near for soon to have TAH. He's concerned that he'll get stuck in the NW. GOOD LUCK!!!
I expect that when I get my truck back, Chris will start headed me to GREEN BAY.

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