Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well we were stuck in Dallas for 2 days. couldn't get a load out for living. refused 2 loads south because we needed to go north. After fighting with trip planners and support shift, I was frustraded. Here's where the ANGELS come in..I you been following htis, I need to get Mike home on Wednesday..FROM DALLAS.

Dave heard me in upset mode, and ended up giving me this load, 1500 miles to Canada. Thereis a picture of Me, DAVE, Rachel and Mike. Dave and Rachel were Angels in my book. GOD bless them both. Earlier i n the day, Dave went to Walmart to be burgers and hot dogs, and grilled out for all who wanted to eat.

Monday, July 7, 2008


I'll get back to the shuffle latter.

I picked up MIKE at the CHICAGO yard a week ago SUNDAY. Needless to say, no 2 student experiences are alike. The shuffle is from his ball playing day at JJC. Mike has good driving skills and pays attention to detail.. we've been working more so on his soft skills. We've had loads that took us to MICHIGAN, MISSOURI WISCONSIN, and Texas. Some routes repeat themselves, and thisis where the SHUFFLE comes in. In trip planning we needed to take the Interstate system, I70, 55, 39, and 43. back and forth on several occasion. To help MIKE remember his routing, we named it the McDANIEL SHUFFLE. (70, 55, 39, 43, HUTT, HUTT).

While on the road, we had a blowout on the right rear trailer tire. When it went, Mike thought he was going to have a heart attack, not knowint the sound. We got changed within a hour and were back on the road to spend the night at idleaire in Bloomington, IL

Now we're sitting in DALLAS waiting on a load. Mike had a couple family issues, so we ended up relaying a SAN ANTONIO load to DALLAS, and now hoping for aload routing us back home to Gary.

While here at Dallas, I ran into and had supper with Rich and MARITZA. She passed her SQT and got her CDL. They're here picking up an 07, and headed on load to North Carolina. I'm sure she'll do well, and wih them the best of the LORD.