Tuesday, April 14, 2009


after a 5 hour liveload in ROCKFORD, just coming off TAH, I managed to make 308 mles today to EFFINGHAM, IL. Enroute, I threw an accessories belt, and stopped at a TA , only to find that the accessories drive pulley was the cause. I had to take it to a dealer to get it repaired. Waiting for the diagnoses from the truck doctor now. I don't know yet if it will affect my load and delivery for tomorrow. IF they finish it tonight, I should be OK.. May need to get a hotel though.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah another break down ...well my friend take a close look at my week.
First p/u in Houston off to Winnipeg, Mb suppose to be a 1 hr unload on first drp of 2, wrong answer turn to be a 6 hr unload and then they ran me out of my 14 so had to wait until the next day to drp secound drp but again live unload and another 8 hrs ... oh forgot to tell you had another load added to me on the first drp , suppose to p/u at 8 the next day but secound drp had CS calling customer to reschudle p/u from 8 to 1400 but another fiasco with 8 hrs unload n...but still went to new load and p/u load coming to Indy....well finally made it back to usa and indy ....but it wore me out so am taking a 34 with no compension from Schneider for doing so even tho my hrs were down to only 6 left on 70....but so goes the life of a schneider company " Goofer"... take care my friend and happy trucking to you.... Mule