Saturday, March 15, 2008

ONe more load

Well, this is Rob's and my last load together. I'm not sure how much more I can take with him. It worries me that after him, its all uphill. in these two weeks, we will have entered and exited 18 of these new knitted states. yes they each allowed us in and back out. Tommorrow, Sunday, We hope to arrive at GARY, IN OC, where I will leave Rob on Monday. I'll finish this last load myself, and then go home for 2 or 3 days. Hopefully I'll get another student when I come back on the road.
Rob and I have had a few laughs, I'm not sure what he thinks of my choice in music, but he seems to like the palces I chose as FOOD stops. Rob makes good sandwiches on the road, only missing the SKIRT.
It's going to be hard for another student to meet his standards. SEE HIS BLOGS at

Also if interested in music recording studios, you can find a great one in the Chicago/Aurora area at

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