Friday, March 27, 2009


darrel, his wife and I turned in early last night @ Jack's truckstop in Cullem, LA. We left out early to deliver our loads at Whirlpool in Cleveland TN. About a 3 hr+ drive over hilly, winding roads. But we succeeded, later than we planned haveing forgoten about the time change west to east..We lost an hour. We got our next loads and parted ways. Them to the QUACKER STATE, me to the VOLUNTEER STATE. It's been raing all day rather steadily.

I got my load delivered, earlier than expected and dropped it at one of our dropyards in Clarkesville, TN.. Got another load for tomorrow, but chose to pick it up today. Going to get my ASSIGNED EMPTY in our dropyard, I found another driver hooked up to it headed for the road. He wasn't very happy when I told him he couldn't take it, to put it back so I could hook up to it.

While I was hooking up, he tried it with two more trailers and got stopped by other drivers as well. He finally called schneider to get a trailer assigned to him, and was told to wait for them to locate one. There's reasons for doing things right.

I then went to SPRINGFIELD, TN to pick up my load, taking it to Columbus, OH for an afternoon delivery tomorrow.

Am shut down at a truckstop at xt112 on I65 in TN. SMALL but a place to lay my head for the night.

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