Sunday, October 5, 2008


Spent a few days at home. Got home early on Tuesday, should have ben home Monday. 2nd time in a year and a half. Not bad considering the stories I hear from drivers at the OCs..went deer hunting for a few days. Saw several, including a NON-TYPICAL, MONSTER BUCK. He was well out of my shooting range. Tried a few spots, relocated two stands, saw more than I had shots on. Could of had a shot on a young one, but If it's not a perfect target, I won't take the shot. I don't want to wound it and lose it.

My friend Rick got a nice DOE the opening morning. about 140 pounds big. If I get a digital of it, I'll add it later.

Am leaving out in the morning with a new student from Rockford. Will add his bit to the blog then.


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